FCI 19911837

L-kullen Födda 20140409. 7 valpar,3hanar & 4tikar
Rosa/Pink Tik/Female 5½ vecka på bilden/weeks on pict.


The Litter was bort at 2014 04 09

At 3.30 in the morning. 

4 Females

3 Males

More pictures & peedigree of Hayna

can you find on her side

More pictures &peedigree of Osco is on his webbsid.


10 dagar
Mother to L-litter Hayna s Berega Turi 20 moth old on the picture
Ljusbå Hane 3veckor Light blue male 3weeks
10 dagar 10 days
Ceris & rosa tik 3 veckor Dark pink & pink femal 3weeks old

Senaste kommentarer

13.12 | 20:54

Hej! Har du någon hund till salu? Mvh Emma